Stayton’s First Hospital

When the Brown House was sold to Alice Kendricks in 1929, she opened Stayton’s first hospital there. Over the years, additions and modifications were made, to create a surgery, recovery rooms, and a labor and delivery room. Yes, many babies were born at the Brown House, and we refer to them as “Brown House Babies.” As of 2021, we are aware of more than 130 babies who were born here. Several have even come back to visit! If you are interested in a tour of the Brown House with a focus on the hospital years, please contact us to arrange a tour. We offer regular Open House tours on the second Sunday of each month from noon to 2:00 p.m.

The Brown House remained Stayton's first hospital until 1938.

For a short video of the house specific to the hospital years narrated by Wendy Stone, SHF Board President and former resident of the Brown House, please click on the video below. For a brief history of the house, visit the Santiam Heritage Foundation page.

Brown House Hospital Tour